615 1st Capitol Drive, San Carlos, Misuri - 63301
(636) 445-5444
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Learn how to be a process server and make full time money or supplement your day job. The benefits of being a professional process server are many. The current owner is retiring and moving out of state, creating an amazing opportunity built on 18 years of momentum serving Traverse City.
What is Process Serving
The goal of a process server is to deliver documents to people named in legal action. Process servers are unbiased third parties whose job is to deliver legal documents. By notifying all parties of the legal actions against them or their required obligations, the parties can act promptly and appear before the court in response to the legal proceeding. This helps maintain fairness and equity in the legal system – people have the opportunity and sufficient time to defend themselves or respond to a legal action or court order. Examples of legal papers served include subpoenas, complaints, summons, writs, probation orders, divorce papers, child support papers, and other legal documents.
Benefits of Being a Process Server
Requirements to be Considered
The role of process servers is important because serving legal papers the wrong way can affect the timeline and outcome of legal proceedings.
Available evenings when most people are home
1. What are the challenges in this business?
Some challenges include finding recipients, uncooperative recipients, language barriers, and time constraints. The key is to learn from an experienced mentor like the Seller and remain professional while ensuring legal documents are delivered.
2. How can I grow a team?
Once you have mastered the craft and learned how to generate more business, you may consider growth through partnering or hiring. As with any business, the owner is responsible for employees and their effect on the business and reputation, so you must be selective and willing to mentor others. When a team runs smoothly, you can leverage others to do the serving while you keep a percentage (30-50%) for generating business, customer service, administration and ensuring good work. While the Seller works alone, other process servers have this business model.
3. Do I need insurance?
Business insurance is recommended for any business. The Seller carries E&O insurance (process servers must fill out proof of service forms) and general business insurance. Together, the Seller pays approximately $600 annually for insurance.
4.Is a legal or law enforcement background required?
The Seller does not have any law enforcement experience. He is a previous owner of printing and 1-hour photo businesses. That said, a background or interest in law could be useful in this role.
5. Who is the ideal person to take over this business?
Great candidates for this business could be those looking to supplement their income, those with time in the evenings and weekends, someone organized and responsive to emails and phone calls, someone who is retired or semi-retired, someone with another business or day job. People with local evening delivery or driving jobs may have a synergy with this business.
6. Is there competition?
The Seller estimates there are less than 10 process servers in the Traverse City area. The keys to getting jobs are reputation, responsiveness, knowledge, and being found by attorneys and process serving companies. During training, the owner can provide guidance on how to establish key relationships and build your business.
7. When do I get paid?
Payment timing depends on the customer and it ranges from getting paid in advance to getting paid months after the job.
8. What happens if I spend time and cannot locate the recipient?
You will still get paid in most cases although some firms are leaning to not paying if the recipient is not served.
9. What percent of assignments get completed?
95% of recipients are served within 3 attempts. The Seller can train on how to be selective with jobs and efficient with delivery.
10. Is it difficult delivering bad news?
“I take the nicest possible approach and treat people with respect.”.
11. Is a uniform, vest, or badge required?
“I dress to blend in, casual with sneakers and able to move. Some process servers like to be more formal but I don’t believe standing out is the way to go.”
12. Is the job dangerous?
The job has risks but can be reasonably safe depending on geography and your approach. In this job, you cannot be timid or aggressive. Just be respectful and assertive.
13. Who are the clients, and are there any large clients?
The Seller estimates that 60% are law firms, 35% are process serving companies, and 5% are individuals representing themselves. There are no large customers that may cause a risky customer concentration issue.
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Información financiera:
Ingresos brutos:
Precio de lista:
Ingresos totales:
Año de fundación:
Información de arrendamiento:
Pies cuadrados:
Alquiler total:
Vencimiento del contrato de arrendamiento:
Opciones de arrendamiento:
Información del activo:
Mejoras de arrendamiento:
Equipamiento / Instalaciones:
Otros activos:
Información adicional:
Empleados a tiempo completo:
Empleados a tiempo parcial:
Se requiere licencia especial:
Personal contratado:
Periodo de formación:
Motivo de la venta:
Hello World
Corredores de negocios de primera elección
La información aquí contenida fue recibida del Vendedor y se considera confiable pero no garantizada. First Choice Business Brokers (FCBB), ha confiado en el Vendedor para proporcionar los detalles anteriores y NO ha verificado esta información. FCBB no es responsable y NO garantiza ninguna declaración, proyección o información proporcionada por el Vendedor. El Usuario/Comprador será el único responsable de la verificación de las ganancias y la operación comercial del Vendedor. Al aceptar este documento, el Comprador/Usuario acepta que toda la información aquí contenida es estrictamente confidencial y no se divulgará a ninguna otra parte sin autorización previa por escrito. El Comprador/Usuario confirma y entiende que FCBB NO ha realizado una investigación independiente del negocio o las cifras citadas en este documento. FCBB recomienda encarecidamente que un Comprador busque asesoramiento legal y contable antes de comprar un Negocio. Cualquier cambio a la información anterior requiere la aprobación por escrito tanto del Vendedor como de FCBB. Cualquier cambio realizado a este documento sin la aprobación de FCBB y del Vendedor no es válido.
La información que aparece en este listado ha sido proporcionada por el vendedor o representante de la empresa indicado anteriormente. First Choice Business Broker no tiene participación en la venta de esta empresa, no ha verificado de forma independiente ninguna de las informaciones sobre la empresa y no asume ninguna responsabilidad por su exactitud o integridad.
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Price lowered for quick sale.
Learn how to be a process server and make full time money or supplement your day job. The benefits of being a professional process server are many. The current owner is retiring and moving out of state, creating an amazing opportunity built on 18 years of momentum serving Traverse City.
What is Process Serving
The goal of a process server is to deliver documents to people named in legal action. Process servers are unbiased third parties whose job is to deliver legal documents. By notifying all parties of the legal actions against them or their required obligations, the parties can act promptly and appear before the court in response to the legal proceeding. This helps maintain fairness and equity in the legal system – people have the opportunity and sufficient time to defend themselves or respond to a legal action or court order. Examples of legal papers served include subpoenas, complaints, summons, writs, probation orders, divorce papers, child support papers, and other legal documents.
Benefits of Being a Process Server
Requirements to be Considered
The role of process servers is important because serving legal papers the wrong way can affect the timeline and outcome of legal proceedings.
Available evenings when most people are home
1. What are the challenges in this business?
Some challenges include finding recipients, uncooperative recipients, language barriers, and time constraints. The key is to learn from an experienced mentor like the Seller and remain professional while ensuring legal documents are delivered.
2. How can I grow a team?
Once you have mastered the craft and learned how to generate more business, you may consider growth through partnering or hiring. As with any business, the owner is responsible for employees and their effect on the business and reputation, so you must be selective and willing to mentor others. When a team runs smoothly, you can leverage others to do the serving while you keep a percentage (30-50%) for generating business, customer service, administration and ensuring good work. While the Seller works alone, other process servers have this business model.
3. Do I need insurance?
Business insurance is recommended for any business. The Seller carries E&O insurance (process servers must fill out proof of service forms) and general business insurance. Together, the Seller pays approximately $600 annually for insurance.
4.Is a legal or law enforcement background required?
The Seller does not have any law enforcement experience. He is a previous owner of printing and 1-hour photo businesses. That said, a background or interest in law could be useful in this role.
5. Who is the ideal person to take over this business?
Great candidates for this business could be those looking to supplement their income, those with time in the evenings and weekends, someone organized and responsive to emails and phone calls, someone who is retired or semi-retired, someone with another business or day job. People with local evening delivery or driving jobs may have a synergy with this business.
6. Is there competition?
The Seller estimates there are less than 10 process servers in the Traverse City area. The keys to getting jobs are reputation, responsiveness, knowledge, and being found by attorneys and process serving companies. During training, the owner can provide guidance on how to establish key relationships and build your business.
7. When do I get paid?
Payment timing depends on the customer and it ranges from getting paid in advance to getting paid months after the job.
8. What happens if I spend time and cannot locate the recipient?
You will still get paid in most cases although some firms are leaning to not paying if the recipient is not served.
9. What percent of assignments get completed?
95% of recipients are served within 3 attempts. The Seller can train on how to be selective with jobs and efficient with delivery.
10. Is it difficult delivering bad news?
“I take the nicest possible approach and treat people with respect.”.
11. Is a uniform, vest, or badge required?
“I dress to blend in, casual with sneakers and able to move. Some process servers like to be more formal but I don’t believe standing out is the way to go.”
12. Is the job dangerous?
The job has risks but can be reasonably safe depending on geography and your approach. In this job, you cannot be timid or aggressive. Just be respectful and assertive.
13. Who are the clients, and are there any large clients?
The Seller estimates that 60% are law firms, 35% are process serving companies, and 5% are individuals representing themselves. There are no large customers that may cause a risky customer concentration issue.
Información financiera
Ingresos brutos:
Precio de lista:
Ingresos totales:
Año de fundación:
Información de arrendamiento
Pies cuadrados:
Alquiler total:
Vencimiento del contrato de arrendamiento:
Opciones de arrendamiento:
Información de activos
Mejoras de arrendamiento:
Equipamiento / Instalaciones:
Otros activos:
información adicional
Empleados a tiempo completo:
Empleados a tiempo parcial:
Se requiere licencia especial:
Personal contratado:
Periodo de formación:
Motivo de la venta:
Corredores de negocios de primera elección
La información aquí contenida fue recibida del Vendedor y se considera confiable pero no garantizada. First Choice Business Brokers (FCBB), ha confiado en el Vendedor para proporcionar los detalles anteriores y NO ha verificado esta información. FCBB no es responsable y NO garantiza ninguna declaración, proyección o información proporcionada por el Vendedor. El Usuario/Comprador será el único responsable de la verificación de las ganancias y la operación comercial del Vendedor. Al aceptar este documento, el Comprador/Usuario acepta que toda la información aquí contenida es estrictamente confidencial y no se divulgará a ninguna otra parte sin autorización previa por escrito. El Comprador/Usuario confirma y entiende que FCBB NO ha realizado una investigación independiente del negocio o las cifras citadas en este documento. FCBB recomienda encarecidamente que un Comprador busque asesoramiento legal y contable antes de comprar un Negocio. Cualquier cambio a la información anterior requiere la aprobación por escrito tanto del Vendedor como de FCBB. Cualquier cambio realizado a este documento sin la aprobación de FCBB y del Vendedor no es válido.
La información que aparece en este listado ha sido proporcionada por el vendedor o representante de la empresa indicado anteriormente. First Choice Business Broker no tiene participación en la venta de esta empresa, no ha verificado de forma independiente ninguna de las informaciones sobre la empresa y no asume ninguna responsabilidad por su exactitud o integridad.
Lea los Términos de uso de First Choice Business Broker antes de responder a cualquier anuncio.
Corredores comerciales de primera elección en el área metropolitana de St. Louis
615 1st Capitol Drive, San Carlos, Misuri 63301
(636) 445-5444
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